Sunday, 17 September 2017

What you need to learn about the virtual blind spots of a data centre & how to avoid those?

There is no doubt regarding the fact that virtualization is one of the major trends of cloud computing since the last decade. By differentiating the elements of the computing platform, the users have gradually done away with the traditional model of ‘one app, one server’. Instead of following the conventional process, they have moved to virtual machines so that they can realize the full potential of both their employees and their servers. Simply put, ignoring the benefits of virtualization is no longer an option for any organization that belongs to the competitive industry.

Since many of the machines handle traffic on a single server, it has quite a remarkable downside, i.e., traffic visibility. Since the VMs are built on depending on a lot of factors, it can turn out to be a problem to analyse the packet flow or trace a packet. It’s an important task as this helps understand exactly how a network is actually performing at a given point of time.

In most of the deployments, the lack of visibility into the virtual data centre security and performance might not become absolutely apparent until and unless it’s too late. For instance, when a vital performance problem occurs, especially with a mission critical networked application, it becomes difficult to track the exact problem due to lack of visibility. This is why administrators should make the right choices in network architecture. This will help them achieve the complete business benefits of virtualization. In this way, they can also meet the demand of packet-level visibility.

As far as avoiding the virtual blind spots is concerned, gaining access to the packet-level data is only half of the mission. In order to ensure end to end visibility into both the virtual and physical infrastructure, the traffic that comes from the virtual data centres must be analysed, filtered and broadcasted. This ensures the full suite of performance security monitoring tool of the company receives exactly the packet flow at the right time. This helps organizations do their job in the best possible way and in a timely fashion.

Avoiding the virtual blind spots is a concern for the entire data centre industry and hence, the largest data centres of the industry are investing in network monitoring switches. This is basically an emerging class of technology which connects the data centre network with the monitoring tools efficiently. Just as that of a physical network, load balancing and filtering for packets is extremely critical in a virtual environment as well. This is where the network monitoring switch helps one best as its job is to deliver exactly the data that is needed for analysis to each of the network tools.

This helps improve the overall productivity of the data centres by making all the monitoring tools run more accurately and more efficiently. There are many other benefits of this kind of an environment. Make sure you have a thorough knowledge of all these so that you can make utilization of all the features in the best possible way.

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